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Sunday 17 May 2015

Prayer and Unity in the Spirit with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim (Air Date 5-13-15)

Jesus told the disciples to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and they were. As His disciples we also should be filled with the Holy Spirit. By praying in the Spirit, we come into unity with other pray-ers, and we speak God’s will.

Kenneth Copeland is known worldwide as a speaker, author, television minister and recording artist. The driving force of his ministry is the message that God’s Word works—to turn every area of life from failure to success. 

Today, after more than 45 years in public ministry, he and his wife, Gloria, share the biblical message of hope and blessing globally from Kenneth Copeland Ministries headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. 

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland understand just how life-changing the message of faith is. They started out just like any of us—struggling with continual lack, debt, sickness and discouragement.

Then they decided to trust God and base their lives on His Word. If a situation in their lives didn’t line up with what they read in the Bible, they changed what they did. Every time.

That decision made all the difference. They soon began to experience THE BLESSING—joy, peace, freedom, health and love—in every area of their lives. And as they witnessed their lives changing, they were eager to tell others.

Since 1967, thousands of Partners have learned to apply the Word to their lives, find their unique voice and live in victory. And those Partners are spreading the message, taking it far beyond what Kenneth and Gloria ever dreamed. Want to impact the world with us? Join us here:http://bit.ly/1FsTCnF

The Believer's Voice of Victory is a daily broadcast teaching Christians how to use their #faith, to change their lives and reach the world. More than 884 million people have access to the on-air broadcast. Our program helps you find your #victory as you learn what the Bible says about #health, #finances, #relationships and #spiritualgrowth. Subscribe to the free podcast here: http://apple.co/1E6S3MJ

Meet Kenneth Copeland at http://www.kcm.org

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